SPEC 2014 success!

The SPEC 2014: Shedding New Light on Disease conference held in Krakow, Poland was a great success. There were presentations from 11 members of the Network, including our overseas partners, ranging from keynotes to posters.

CLIRSPEC sponsored the invited presentation by Prof. Hugh Barr and Hugh Byrne co-organised the meeting.

Hugh Barr giving invited lecture, sponsored by CLIRSPEC
Hugh Barr giving invited lecture, sponsored by CLIRSPEC
Hugh Byrne co-organised the SPEC 2014 conference
Hugh Byrne co-organised the SPEC 2014 conference

At the conference dinner Peter Gardner announced that CLIRSPEC were helping to develop a professional society for the international clinical vibrational spectroscopy community. More news on that as it develops.

Peter Gardner announcing plans for an International Society
Peter Gardner announcing plans for an International Society
SPEC 2014 success!