Thanks to everyone who attended the workshop on Data Sharing during the Network Conference in Exeter.
Here are the topics that were written on the whiteboards.
- Publish code
- Workflow management technologies and plugins for these (Galaxy, Knime, Taverna)
- Github -> Zenodo -> DOI -> citation(s)
- R language packages have a suggested citation field.
- Metadata (data about data) could go into supplementary information relating to a publication.
- EBI interaction (European Bioinformatics Institute)
- Chemspider has some spectra from biologically relevant chemicals
- DNA shifts may require calibration standards
- Report parameters used when training models
- Need to record and report the full workflow for each analysis
- Need the values and reasons behind wavenumber selection for multivaraiate analysis (PCA)
- Are spectral artifacts a function of the sample?
- Document and justify your feature selection
- Need calibration standards eg. NIST and some laser stuff
- Need reference datasets
- A “how-to” cookbook would be helpful
- Record the ethical approval and protocol information
- Need to document decisions made when choosing controls
- When reporting on a chemical functionality we should document whether intensity/position of all bands related to that functionality are correlated
- A “Reporting checklist” would be helpful to indicate required or suggested metadata
- When reporting average spectra we should also report the standard deviation of the set.
WP6: Exeter Whiteboard Topics